-- card: 5445 from stack: in.1ะตะตะต -- bmap block id: 8632 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 3235 -- name: Opp1LL ----- HyperTalk script ----- On OpenCard global aimPoint global defense global oppDefense global attacker global CRTdefense global CRToffense global tempCompScore global tempYouScore global tempCompMiss global tempYouMiss global turn if turn > 0 then ChooseAim defCRT oppCRT giveResults end if End OpenCard On chooseAim global oppAim Put the random of 10 into oppAim End chooseAim On oppCRT global defense global attacker Put 1 into attacker if defense-20 = 1 then llCRT if defense-20 = 2 then lrCRT if defense-20 = 3 then ssCRT if defense-20 = 4 then shCRT if defense-20 = 5 then slCRT if defense-20 = 6 then lhCRT End oppCRT On defCRT global attacker put 2 into attacker llCRT End defCRT -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- Your Opponent Aimed At: -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- Crests Claimed: Opponents Unhorsed: Lances Broken: Lances Total: -- part contents for background part 4 ----- text ----- Crests Claimed: Opponents Unhorsed: Lances Broken: Lances Total: